Would you believe it if I told you we put this motherhood session together with less than 2 hours notice? I mean, she does have her own styling company (Magnolia Rose Styling) so of course the girls were ready to go with adorable outfits and I provided a dress for Audrey from my client wardrobe. I love the little girl gang she has going on and it was so sweet to witness how they interacted. It always makes my job easy when the love is flowing.
I used this session as a way to test this “new location”. To be honest it’s not new to me, I just haven’t been here is a couple years. This private location actually has a lot of meaning to me and part of me wants to keep it close. I also know that there is just too much beauty here and I want to share it with the people who value it and Audrey and her girls were definitely the perfect ones to do that with.

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